Telegram’s newest replace contains an overhauled media editor outfitted with a bunch of latest instruments to embellish — or conceal — elements of your picture or movies. In an replace on its weblog, Telegram says it’s introducing a brand new blur software that allows you to block out sure areas of a photograph or video, permitting you to cover delicate data, or blur the faces of passersby who seem within the background.
To make the blurred portion of your photograph mix in, Telegram says you need to use the eyedropper software to match the colour of the blur brush to your picture. Moreover, Telegram’s including a technique to change the dimensions, font, and background of textual content (form of like Instagram or Snapchat) when including it to images or movies.
It says its revamped drawing instruments “dynamically change width” relying on how briskly you’re drawing and routinely smooths out strains. Telegram additionally added a technique to rapidly add shapes, akin to rectangles, circles, arrows, stars, and chat bubbles by tapping the “plus” icon within the editor. And when you don’t need your recipient to see what you’re sending straight away, now you can apply a spoiler impact that provides a “shimmering layer” to a picture or video that hides its contents till your recipient faucets it.
Exterior of picture modifying instruments, Telegram’s newest replace contains new storage choices that allow you to routinely take away cached knowledge in personal chats, teams, and channels after a sure time period, all whereas excluding the chats of your selecting. Whereas Telegram beforehand allow you to clear your cache throughout all chats, this could make it simpler to unlock house routinely with out affecting necessary conversations. It’s introducing a useful new pie chart as effectively, which exhibits how a lot storage various kinds of recordsdata, like movies, paperwork, music, and images, are taking over.
There are additionally another new settings that will let you select profile photos for contacts that solely you’ll see — good you probably have a sure unflattering image you’d wish to be reminded of every time somebody messages you. You possibly can even recommend profile photos for particular contacts, which they’ll then swap out in the event that they like what you’ve chosen. And when you already restrict the visibility of your profile image to your contacts solely, Telegram now provides you the choice to set a public profile image that everybody can see. Then again, now you can set the visibility of your profile image to “no person” when you don’t need anybody on the app to see your image, not even your contacts.